Planning & Consultation
During the development process we were committed to engaging fully with local residents, councillors, businesses and members of the local community, to discuss the proposal and any potential impacts, and to obtain feedback on key issues.
Consultation channels have included but not been limited to: regularly updated information brochures, local media articles and notices, social media updates, this website, presentations to community forums and open public exhibitions.
Our commitment to consultation and the processes we followed were set out in our Concept of Public Participation (CoPP) documents - one for Wales and one for Ireland.
The methodology in the CoPP for Wales was agreed with the Welsh Government and is available to view by following this link.
The methodology in the CoPP for Ireland was agreed with An Bord Pleanála's PCI unit and is available to view available to view by following this link.
The final Consultation Reports submitted with our planning applications can be found by clicking on the links in the download box, top right.
As part of our aim to ensure that local businesses have a chance to benefit from the construction of the project, we held local 'meet-the-buyer' events in Wexford and Pembrokeshire in November 2021. Further details about procurement can be found here.
We continue to welcome comments and enquiries about the project from all stakeholders. If you have an issue you would like to raise with us you can do this through our Contact Us form, which includes an option to remain anonymous.
During development of the project, we held the below public consultation events. Please click on the relevant column heading to sort the table into that order. For example, click on 'Date' to sort by date.
In March 2020, in light of government advice in Ireland and the UK on the Coronavirus pandemic outbreak, we adapted our public engagement and consultation activities and suspended face-to-face meetings and public events (such as local exhibitions, house visits, group presentations, etc). Direct contact was maintained by email with stakeholders who had previously asked to be kept updated electronically and we provided regular updates on the project website, where relevant planning documents and background inforrmation remained available. We continue to encourage you to contact us directly by email or telephone if you have any questions or comments about the Greenlink project.
As restrictions have eased, we have adapted our community and stakeholder consultation activities to follow current relevant government guidance on Covid safety.