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Consultation begins on Greenlink interconnector’s Marine Licence application in Wales

12 November 2019.

  • Planning documents published following validation by Natural Resources Wales

  • Consultation is opportunity for public and other stakeholders to comment

  • Key milestone for development of project, marking start of planning application process

A formal period of public consultation begins tomorrow (Wednesday 13 November) following submission by Greenlink Interconnector Limited of a Marine Licence application for the offshore aspects of the project in Wales. Stakeholders are being encouraged to provide comments on the application via Natural Resources Wales before the 8 January 2020 consultation deadline [1]. This is for the offshore aspect of the project and there will be a separate application and consultation for the onshore works in Pembrokeshire.

The proposed Greenlink interconnector (“Greenlink”) [2] will connect the electricity grids of Great Britain and Ireland. It is one of Europe’s most important energy infrastructure projects and brings benefits on both sides of the Irish Sea for energy security, jobs and the cost-effective integration of low carbon energy.

In Pembrokeshire, Wales, the interconnector comprises a subsea cable intended to come ashore under the beach and dunes at Freshwater West and continuing underground to a converter station located near to the existing Pembroke substation. A Marine Licence Application was submitted to Natural Resources Wales for validation in June 2019. Following completion of the validation on 1 November, stakeholders can submit comments to Natural Resources Wales via their consultation website from 13 November until 8 January 2020 [3].

Tom Brinicombe, planning & permitting consultant for Wales, commented;

“I am delighted to announce that, following validation of our Marine Licence Application in Wales, a formal period of consultation has begun. This is a key milestone for the development of the project, marking the launch of the whole planning application process.
We continue to encourage input from local residents and other stakeholders as we move the project forward and so would encourage people to take part in the consultation being run by Natural Resources Wales.
I would also like to reiterate that the Marine Licence Application does not include any requirement for construction work on the beach or in the dunes at Freshwater West where the interconnector cables come ashore. We are committed to minimizing any impact on the beach, by using horizontal directional drilling to install the cables under the beach and dunes.”

The Marine Licence Application has been advertised in the local media this week and copies of all the planning documents are available to view on the Greenlink website:

It should be noted that this Marine Licence Application covers consenting for the offshore marine aspect of the project in Wales only. An application for the Foreshore Licence in Ireland is being made concurrently, and planning applications for the onshore works in Wales and Ireland will be made separately in due course.

Procurement for the major construction contracts for the Greenlink interconnector project is currently under way. The project is expected to have a three-year construction programme, offering local supply chain opportunities, before commissioning in 2023.



Anna Stanford, Communications Consultant :

M: +44 7961 234634


Notes to Editors:


  2. About Greenlink: Greenlink is a proposed interconnector linking the power markets in Ireland and Great Britain. The project comprises a subsea and underground cable and associated converter stations to connect EirGrid’s Great Island transmission substation in County Wexford (Ireland) and National Grid’s Pembroke transmission substation in Pembrokeshire (Wales). It has a nominal capacity of 500MW. The project is being developed by Greenlink Interconnector Limited and is expected to be fully operational in 2023. The project is considered of critical importance in Europe and has been awarded "Project of Common Interest (PCI)" status by the European Commission. More details at: @Greenlink_IC

  3. Write to the Permitting Service, Natural Resources Wales, Cambria House, 29 Newport Rd, Cardiff CF24 0TP or by email to, quoting reference number CML1929 in all correspondence.

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