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First planning applications submitted in Ireland & Wales for Greenlink electricity interconnector

12 November 2019.

  • Planning applications have been submitted for the marine components of the project

  • Major milestone for development of project, marking start of planning application process

  • Public consultations offer opportunity for stakeholders to input further

Public consultation is beginning following submission by Greenlink Interconnector Limited of planning applications for the project’s marine components on both sides of the Irish Sea. In Ireland, a Foreshore Licence application has been submitted to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (DHPLG)’s Foreshore Unit. In Wales, a Marine Licence application has been submitted to Natural Resources Wales.

Both planning applications are for the offshore aspect of the project and there will be separate applications and consultation processes for the onshore works in County Wexford and Pembrokeshire, where the cables come ashore.

The Greenlink interconnector will connect the electricity grids of Great Britain and Ireland. It is one of Europe’s most important energy infrastructure projects and brings benefits on both sides of the Irish Sea for energy security, jobs and the cost-effective integration of low carbon energy.

Angus Norman, Project Director for Greenlink Interconnector Limited commented;

“This is a major milestone for the development of the project, marking the start of the consenting process. It represents the culmination of a considerable amount of technical, environmental and commercial analysis to design a project of the highest quality with valuable input from a range of stakeholders.
Along with the recent signing of our grid connection agreement with EirGrid – another significant milestone – the Greenlink project is on a clear pathway towards the start of construction. We look forward to helping Ireland and the UK realise the benefits of greater interconnection – for regional jobs and supply chain, energy security, competition and decarbonisation.”

Procurement for the major construction contracts is currently under way and agreements have now been signed for connecting to the grid in Ireland and Wales, with EirGrid and National Grid respectively. The project is expected to have a three-year construction programme before commissioning in 2023.

In Ireland, the interconnector comprises a subsea cable intended to come ashore under the beach at Baginbun Beach in County Wexford and continuing underground to a converter station located near to the existing Great Island substation. This Foreshore Licence application is for the marine component of the project out to the 12 nautical mile limit. The consultation begins today.

In Wales, the interconnector comprises a subsea cable intended to come ashore under the beach and dunes at Freshwater West in Pembrokeshire and continuing underground to a converter station located near to the existing Pembroke substation. This Marine Licence application was submitted to Natural Resources Wales in June 2019 and has now been validated, launching a public consultation tomorrow (Wednesday 13 November).

Both applications are being advertised in the local media and the planning documents are available to view on the Greenlink website Stakeholders are being encouraged to comment on the applications by 8 January 2020 through the following:

It should be noted that these planning applications cover consenting for the offshore marine aspect of the project only. Planning applications for the onshore works in Wales and Ireland will be made separately in due course.

A fourth round of public exhibitions and consultation will be held in Co Wexford and Pembrokeshire before the end of the year. Dates will be confirmed and advertised soon.



Anna Stanford, Communications Consultant:

M: +44 7961 234634


About Greenlink:

Greenlink is a proposed interconnector linking the power markets in Ireland and Great Britain. The project comprises a subsea and underground cable and associated converter stations to connect EirGrid’s Great Island transmission substation in County Wexford (Ireland) and National Grid’s Pembroke transmission substation in Pembrokeshire (Wales). It has a nominal capacity of 500MW. The project is being developed by Greenlink Interconnector Limited and is expected to be fully operational in 2023. The project is considered of critical importance in Europe and has been awarded "Project of Common Interest (PCI)" status by the European Commission. More details at: @Greenlink_IC


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