January 2021 - The Greenlink interconnector project has been featured as a case study in the Ten-Year Development Plan 2020, published by ENTSO-E in January 20-21. The report from the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity sets out the 2020 portfolio of transmission and storage projects in their electricity infrastructure development plan. The Plan looks at the future European power system in its entirety and how power links and storage can be used to make the low carbon energy transition happen in a cost-effective and secure way.
We are delighted that Greenlink was featured as a case study, focussing on our public and stakeholder engagement during the design and development of the project in Wales and Ireland. Good practice engagement and communication are central to our approach and have helped us deliver a project that brings benefits at all levels.
Read the full case study here (see pages 22-23): https://eepublicdownloads.blob.core.windows.net/public-cdn-container/tyndp-documents/TYNDP2020/Foropinion/TYNDP2020_Main_Report.pdf