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Planning & Consultation

UK Land Compulsory Purchase Order Documentation

As an Interconnector Licence holder, Greenlink Interconnector Limited commenced a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) process in January 2020. The aim is to ensure that infrastructure projects such as Greenlink can proceed confident that all land rights required to deliver the project are held by the developer so that the project can be delivered in a timely and cost-effective manner. 

Documents pertaining to this section can be found here

Public consultation ran from 15 January to 7 February 2020 and a public inquiry was held in October 2020.

The CPO was confirmed by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy on 12th April 2021.

The following notice was published on 28th April, which sets out further details regarding the CPO and next steps.  The core documents relevant to the CPO process can be found here.





  1. Notice is hereby given that the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy in exercise of his powers under the above Acts, on 12 April 2021 confirmed with modifications The Greenlink Interconnector Limited (Greenlink, Pembroke) Compulsory Purchase Order submitted by Greenlink Interconnector Limited.

  2. The order as confirmed provides for the purchase for the purposes of construction, use and maintenance of an electricity interconnector of the land and the new rights described in Schedule 1 hereto.

  3. A copy of the order as confirmed by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and of the map referred to therein may be requested from Greenlink Interconnector Limited and can be provided on request. Please contact Rosalba Di Lauro at or at Greenlink Interconnector Limited, 4th Floor, One Kingdom Street, London, W2 6BD.

  4. Electronic copies of the order, the order map and any supporting documentation may be viewed at and can be provided on request. Please contact Rosalba Di Lauro at or at Greenlink Interconnector Limited, 4th Floor, One Kingdom Street, London, W2 6BD.

  5. The order as confirmed becomes operative on the date on which this notice is first published. A person aggrieved by the order may, by application to the High Court within 6 weeks from that date, challenge its validity under section 23 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981. The grounds for challenge can be that the authorisation granted by the order is not empowered to be granted or that there has been a failure to comply with any relevant statutory requirement relating to the order.

  6. Once the order becomes operative, Greenlink Interconnector Limited may acquire any of the land and rights described in Schedule 1 below by executing a general vesting declaration under section 4 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981. A statement on the effect of Parts 2 and 3 of that Act is set out in Schedule 2 below.

  7. Every person who, if a general vesting declaration were executed under section 4 of that Act in respect of the land comprised in the order (other than land in respect of which notice to treat has been given), would be entitled to claim compensation in respect of any such land, is invited to give information to Greenlink Interconnector Limited at 4th Floor, 1 Kingdom Street, London W2 6BD  about the person’s name, address and interest in land, using a prescribed form. The relevant prescribed form is set out in Schedule 3 below.

Dated this day: 28 April 2021

Greenlink Interconnector Limited

4th Floor, 1 Kingdom Street, London W2 6BD 




Part 1 - Land to be Acquired


Land located in the district of Angle in the area north of Goldborough Road, east of Green Hill Reservoir, west of Lambeeth Farm and south of Pembroke Power Station, comprising:

  • (1) approximately 26,207 square metres of agricultural land, grassland and hedgerows (Plot 12 on the order map); and

  • (2) approximately 58,125 square metres of agricultural land, grassland and hedgerows, overhead electricity cables and pylons (Plot 13 on the order map).

Part 2 - New Rights


Rights required for the construction, operation, maintenance and removal of electricity interconnector infrastructure, namely rights:

  1. to construct, install (by trenching, horizontal directional drilling or otherwise), keep installed, place, erect, retain, use, inspect, maintain, renew, remove, divert and relocate (and to carry out all necessary decommissioning and reinstatement works in relation to) the electricity interconnector infrastructure and associated equipment and apparatus;

  2. to use as a construction and maintenance compound, working area, lay down and parking areas for all plant, equipment, materials and vehicles in connection with the exercise of the rights;

  3. of pedestrian and vehicular access and egress with plant, equipment and machinery in connection with the exercise of the rights;

  4. to construct, relocate and/or divert any culvert and all associated structures together with the right of drainage into any culvert and subsequently to retain, use, inspect, maintain, decorate, repair, bridge over, replace and renew as necessary any culvert in connection with the exercise of the rights;

  5. to fell, trim or lop trees, bushes, shrubs and hedges and to clear and remove any and all vegetation which may damage, obstruct or interfere with the exercise of the rights;

  6. to prevent and remove any works on or uses of the land which may: (a) interfere with, obstruct or damage electricity interconnector infrastructure and associated equipment and apparatus; or (b) interfere with the installation, erection, retention, use, inspection, maintenance, renewal, removal or relocation of the electricity interconnector infrastructure; or (c) obstruct access from and to electricity interconnector infrastructure equipment and apparatus;

  7. to install, execute, implement, retain, maintain, repair, renew, remove, replace and relocate environmental and/or ecological measures, works and/or activities, and to carry out archaeological, environmental, ecological, agricultural, contamination, soil, topographical and geotechnical surveys and investigations for purposes in connection with the exercise of the rights;

  8. to make good any damage caused in connection with the exercise of the rights; and

  9. to carry out any activities ancillary or incidental to the rights.

The rights are to be acquired in areas of land located in the district of Angle extending from the Mean Low Water Springs Mark at Freshwater West in a generally North-easterly direction to Goldborough Road; from Goldborough Road in a generally North-easterly direction to land North of Plot 12 described in Part 1; and from the Northern boundary of Plot 13 described in Part 1 in a generally Northerly direction to Pembroke Power Station, comprising:

  1. approximately 27,001 square metres of part of the Irish Sea, foreshore and beach situated West of the B4319 (Plot 1 on the order map);

  2. approximately 20,369 square metres of scrubland, foreshore, beach and public footpath situated West of the B4319 (Plot 2 on the order map);

  3. approximately 4,395 square metres of scrubland, hedgerows and verges, situated West of the B4319 (Plot 3 on the order map);

  4. approximately 43,599 square metres of scrubland, agricultural land, hedgerows and overhead electricity cables and pylons situated East of the B4319 (Plot 4 on the order map);

  5. approximately 10,062 square metres of agricultural land, hedgerows and grassland at Broomhill Farm, situated North of the B4320 (Plot 5 on the order map);

  6. approximately 37,067 square metres of grassland, scrubland, trees, private road forming land part of Pembroke Refinery and overhead electricity cables and pylons situated North of the B4320 (Plot 6 on the order map);

  7. approximately 205 square metres of hedgerows and grassland situated North of the B4320 (Plot 7 on the order map);

  8. approximately 203 square metres of hedgerows and grassland situated North of the B4320 (Plot 8 on the order map);

  9. approximately 20,854 square metres of agricultural land, hedgerows, trees, grassland, private farm track and overhead electricity cables situated North of the B4320 (Plot 9 on the order map);

  10. approximately 38,050 square metres of land and subsoil excluding the adopted highway North of the B4320 (Plot 10 on the order map);

  11. approximately 31,252 square metres of agricultural land, grassland, hedgerows, overhead electricity cables and pylons, public footpath and private road situated North of Goldborough Road (Plot 11 on the order map);

  12. approximately 10,154 square metres of agricultural land, grassland and hedgerows and overhead electricity cables situated North of Goldborough Road (Plot 14 on the order map);

  13. approximately 275 square metres of hedgerow and grassland situated North of Goldborough Road (Plot 15 on the order map);

  14. approximately 3,408 square metres of agricultural land, hedgerows, grassland, private track, public footpath and overhead electricity cables situated North of Goldborough Road (Plot 16 on the order map); and

  15. approximately 22,889 square metres of agricultural land, private track, hedgerows, grassland and land part of Pembroke Power Station situated North of Goldborough Road (Plot 17 on the order map).



  1. Once the Greenlink Interconnector Limited (Greenlink, Pembroke) Compulsory Purchase Order 2020 become operative, Greenlink Interconnector Limited may acquire any of the land and rights described in Schedule 1 above by executing a general vesting declaration under section 4 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981.

  2. As soon as may be after Greenlink Interconnector Limited execute a general vesting declaration, they must serve notice of it on every occupier of any of the land specified in the declaration (except where there is one of the tenancies described in paragraph 4) and on every person who gives them information relating to the land in pursuance of the invitation contained in the confirmation of the order. When the service of notices of the general vesting declaration is completed, a period specified in the declaration, of not less than three months, will begin to run. On the first day after the end of this period the land and rights described in the declaration will, subject to what is said in paragraphs 3 and 5, vest in Greenlink Interconnector Limited together with the right to enter on the land and take possession of it. Every person on whom Greenlink Interconnector Limited could have served a notice to treat in respect of his interest in the land (other than a tenant under one of the tenancies described in paragraph 4) will be entitled to claim compensation for the acquisition of his interest in the land, with interest on compensation from the vesting date.

  3. The “vesting date” for any land or rights specified in a declaration will be the first day after the end of the period mentioned in paragraph 2 above, unless a counter-notice is served un Schedule A1 to the Act within that period. In such circumstances, the vesting date for the land or rights which are the subject of the counter-notice will be determined in accordance with Schedule A1.

Modifications with respect to certain tenancies

  1. In the case of certain tenancies, the position stated above is subject to modifications. The modifications apply where the tenancy is either a “minor tenancy”, i.e. a tenancy for a year or a yearly tenancy or a lesser interest, or a “long tenancy which is about to expire”. The latter expression means a tenancy granted for an interest greater than a minor tenancy but having on the vesting date a period still to run which is not more than the period specified in the declaration for this purpose (which must not be more than a year). In calculating how long a tenancy has still to run, where any option to renew or to terminate it is available to either party, it shall be assumed that the landlord will take every opportunity open to it to terminate the tenancy while the tenant will use every opportunity to retain or renew its interest.

  2. The modifications are that Greenlink Interconnector Limited may not exercise the right of entry referred to in paragraph 2 in respect of land subject to a tenancy described in paragraph 4 unless they first serve notice to treat in respect of the tenancy and then serve every occupier of the land with a notice of their intention to enter and take possession after the period (not less than three months from the service of the notice) specified in the notice. The right of entry will be exercisable at the end of that period. The vesting of the land will be subject to the tenancy until the end of that period or until the tenancy comes to an end, whichever happens first.



To: Greenlink Interconnector Limited

[I] [We] being [a person] [persons] who, if a general vesting declaration were executed under section 4 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981 in respect of all of the land comprised in the compulsory purchase order cited above in respect of which notice to treat has not been given, would be entitled to claim compensation in respect of [all] [part of] that land, give you the following information, pursuant to the provisions of section 15 of, or paragraph 6 of Schedule 1, to the Acquisition of Land Act 1981

  1. Name and address of informant(s)   (i)…………………………………………………………

  2. Land in which an interest is held by the informants(s)   (ii)…………………………………..

  3. Nature of interest (iii)……………………………………………………………………………..


[on behalf of]……………………………………………………………………………………..


(i) In the case of a joint interest insert the names and addresses of all the informants

(ii) The land should be described concisely

(iii) If the interest is leasehold, the date of commencement and length of term should be given. If the land is subject to a mortgage or other incumbrance, details should be give, e.g. name of building society and roll number.

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Award finalist

Greenlink (Dublin Office), Unit 3, 4075 Kingswood Road, Citywest Business Campus, Saggart, Co. Dublin D24 KF85

Registered Office: Unit 3, 4075 Kingswood Road, Citywest Business Campus, Saggart, Co. Dublin D24 KF85, Ireland

© 2025 Greenlink Interconnector Limited | All Rights Reserved

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